Re: 5919 Obs

From: Björn Gimle via Seesat-l <>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2014 00:16:01 +0200
I have discovered two additional UNID tracks, and identified all but three
of the UNIDs as unclassified (and uninteresting?)
NOSS 3-2 E captured in five images - only first and last measured so far.
NOSS 3-2 D in four - only first and last so far.
Evidently, I never attempted to record 3-2 C !

37955 11 075B   5919 G 20140901204018000 27 25 2316147+562053 55 S
37955 11 075B   5919 G 20140901204028000 57 25 2341985+653201 55 S
12645 81 075A   5919 G 20140901204018000 57 25 2324771+580380 55 S
12645 81 075A   5919 G 20140901204028000 57 25 2317594+542942 55 S
23936 96 029E   5919 G 20140901194717000 57 25 1837279+153354 55 S
23936 96 029E   5919 G 20140901194727000 57 25 1845244+141774 55 S
23936 96 029E   5919 G 20140901194922000 57 25 1954807+010049 55 S
23936 96 029E   5919 G 20140901194932000 57 25 1959358+000181 55 S
23862 96 029D   5919 G 20140901195354000 57 25 1841470+131887 55 S
23862 96 029D   5919 G 20140901195404000 57 25 1848885+120568 55 S
23862 96 029D   5919 G 20140901195530000 27 25 1942554+021104 55 S
23862 96 029D   5919 G 20140901195540000 57 25 1947557+010800 55 S

2014-09-02 23:52 GMT+02:00 Björn Gimle <>:

> Tonight, I had a seemingly excellent opportunity to witness the Yaogan 5
> decay.
> SpaceTrack, Aerospace and CalSky  were nearly unanimous about a decay
> within +-20 min from my pass around 20:57 UTC, with prediction at 125 km
> altitude, 18 deg elevation. Nothing seen.
> Yesterday, I captured IGS 7r and NOSS 2-3 CDE + 9 UNIDs to be id-ed and/or
> measured. Strays id-ed are Iridium 24 and #06207,#12645, #29228
> 37955 11 075B   5919 G 20140901204018000 27 25 2316147+562053 55 S
> 37955 11 075B   5919 G 20140901204028000 57 25 2341985+653201 55 S
> 12645 81 075A   5919 G 20140901204018000 57 25 2324771+580380 55 S
> 12645 81 075A   5919 G 20140901204028000 57 25 2317594+542942 55 S
> --
> ----------------------------------------
> Björn Gimle, COSPAR 5919
> 59.2617 N, 18.6169 E, 51 m
> Phone: +46 (0)8 571 43 312
> Mobile: +46 (0) 704 385 486

Björn Gimle, COSPAR 5919
59.2617 N, 18.6169 E, 51 m
Phone: +46 (0)8 571 43 312
Mobile: +46 (0) 704 385 486
Seesat-l mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 03 2014 - 17:16:29 UTC

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