5918 attempt for USA 186

From: b_gimle@algonet.se
Date: Sat Oct 29 2005 - 05:46:50 EDT

  • Next message: Bob Christy: "RE: Unidentified Satellite"

    I had completely overcast when I left work on Friday for Malma,
    and there at 18:15 and 20:30 local time.
    21:50 it was unexpectedly clear, but too late to set up the
    telescope for a 13 degree pass in the N.
    Watching in 7*50 from about 19:59 I saw only a possible
    subsecond flash near RA 13:32 +36 at about 20:09:00,
    until a pass very close to the expected track, which
    turned out to be Envisat, at 20:15:00.
    Fitting the time of the flash to Ted's 05298 elset would
    force MM around 14.697, but also a two-degree change
    to RAAN (or corresponding to other elements).
    Also, such a short flash is unusual for the KH's low in the north?
    Björn Gimle, 5919 Barndalen,Malma,Sweden,+018.6172 ,+59.2576  ,33
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