LB obs 2005 Oct 25

From: Leo Barhorst (
Date: Tue Oct 25 2005 - 15:33:30 EDT

  • Next message: Peter Wakelin: "SATOBS 2005 October 25"

    After two days with a lot of rain and stormy winds it cleared
    late this afternoon. Nice clear sky, but still strong winds.
      The URL explaning the numbers :
    02- 46 B 05-10-25 17:41:12   LB   96.1 0.5   2 48.1   AA, 4->7
    Timings: 47.45 48.69 sec.
    03- 23 B 05-10-25 18:40:36   LB  106.1 0.5   3 35.4   AA, 4->i
    Timings: 35.19 35.61 35.26 sec.
    74- 63 A 05-10-25 18:32:51   LB  147.8 0.5   5 29.6   AA, 5->i
    No timings.
    74- 89 A 05-10-25 17:59      LB                       1 fl, mag 3
    82-118 A 05-10-25 18:08:15   LB   50.8 0.5   4 12.7   AA, 4->6
    Timings: 12.99 13.83 12.46 11.50 sec.
    83- 22 A 05-10-25 18:52:04   LB  138.9 0.2  60  2.315 FF, 4->1, some F, 1
    Timings: 3.11 5.65 3.28 11.33 4.19 9.58 4.40 7.16 2.29 4.11 3.24 1.85
    2.42 2.54 2.42 2.12 4.04 3.32 1.74 2.73 1.93 2.45 2.17 2.44 1.98 2.73
    1.98 2.44 2.28 4.49 2.68 2.20 2.32 2.12 2.54 2.41 2.41 2.03 2.40 2.13
    2.56 2.13 2.53 2.22 sec.
    91- 68 G 05-10-25 17:56:40   LB  137.8 5.0   2 69     MM, 6->7
    Timings: 61.04 76.71 sec.
    96- 17 B 05-10-25 17:50      LB                       almost S, 7
    97- 30 A 05-10-25 18:20:53   LB   99.6 0.2   7 14.23  'Ff-'Ff, 3(4)->7
    Timings: 14.15 14.28 14.29 14.24 15.12(late) 13.29 14.25 sec.
    99- 34 A 05-10-25 18:36:35   LB   43.0 0.5  13  3.31  AA, 6->7
    Timings: 3.06 6.55 3.80 3.14 3.33 3.23 3.29 6.61 3.71 2.66 3.61 sec.
    2005: 760 obs
    PPAS: 14351 obs
    Greetings and clear, dark skies
    Leo Barhorst, Medemblik NL
    Cospar 4252 52.76350 N 5.09114 E 2 m ASL
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