Re: possible id of one of those Satellite Trails

From: Kevin Fetter (
Date: Wed Oct 12 2005 - 21:50:50 EDT

  • Next message: Tony Beresford: "Re: az/el conversion to RA/DEC"

    I assumed that the time shown on the image, was for the time the image was finished being captured
    So image 2 was taken between 3:33 and 3:44 UT. 
    At around 3:42 UTC, GE-5 was predicted to be closest to the galaxy being imaged.
    So in theory it had plenty of time to pass inside the view of view of the ccd sensor, pass by the
    galaxy, and leave the feild of view of the ccd sensor,  while the image was being captured.
    Just like If I assume that image 6 was taken between 4:15 and 4:25 UT, then AMC3( GE3 ) 24936 
    1997-050 A has time to pass by, during the image capture
    Doesn't mean that what the object was, just a possibility. 
    Feel free to come up with a different solution.
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