25725 99 023B 8539 G 20051004015540800 17 25 2211069+051507 38 S+055 05 25725 99 023B 8539 G 20051004015649860 17 25 2238058+051496 38 S+055 05 25725 99 023B 8539 G 20051004015751550 17 25 2300028+050654 38 S+055 05 It had a steady brightness of an estimated 5.5 mag. Until soon after the 3rd point when it dimmed very quickly to a 9 to 10 mag for approx 10 seconds before it disappeared into the earth's shadow. I was seeing down to about 11 mag. Lat. 39.4707 Lon. -79.3388 Alt. 2753 ft. -4 UTC What these numbers mean: http://www.satobs.org/position/IODformat.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Frequently Asked Questions, SeeSat-L archive: http://www.satobs.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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