Re: What satellites would these have been?

From: Tony Beresford (
Date: Wed Jul 09 2008 - 12:46:29 UTC

  • Next message: Michael Boschat: "Re: What satellites would these have been?"

    At 02:50 AM 9/07/2008, Michael Boschat wrote:
    >Last night I saw 2 satellites close together in 7x50 binoculars 
    >passing by Epsilon
    >Bootis. Just wondering if anyone knows what they were?
    >Date: July 7/8, 2008
    >UT: approx: 0038-0040
    >Place: Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada
    >Lat: N44d 39'
    >Long: W63d 36'
    >One satellite was about 3rd mag the other maybe near 4th. They were 
    >less than 1 degree
    >apart just a bit more than Alpha and Beta Sagitta and moving 
    >simultaneously together NNW-SSW.
    Mike, using findsat and Eps Bootis' position with a generous 
    allowance in time (120 sec.)
    and offset ( 5 degrees) couldnt find any hits that made any sense 
    from either spacetrack
    or Classfd.tle.
    In particular none of the suspects were paired up in time so if it 
    was a coincidental
    pairing from different launches I saw no sign of it.
    None of the 3rd generation NOSS were anywhere near Eps Boo that night,
    I checked out all 4 pairs on H-A . Also the paths of the recent orcom launch
    clutch was not consistent with your observation.
    How near was the closest approach to Eps Boo?
    Tony Beresford 
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