Re: LEO crossing new Moon

From: George Roberts (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2011 - 14:25:32 UTC

  • Next message: Kevin Fetter: "looks like Intelsat 2 going to the graveyard"

    This question is more about the moon than satellites.  You can only see a 
    "completely dark moon" either from space (because the new moon is too close 
    to the sun to see) or during a lunar eclipse (although most people wouldn't 
    say it is completely dark even then).
    You can certainly see a lit satellite cross the dark portion of a thin 
    But not during a lunar eclipse.  To see a lit satellite cross a lunar 
    eclipse it would have to be just after sunset or before sunrise (so that the 
    orbit above you is lit by the sun) except that as the satellite heads away 
    from the sun and towards the moon it would enter the earth's shadow before 
    it could cross in front of the moon.
    You might be able to get a dark red satellite crossing the dark red moon but 
    this would be almost impossible to see.  Just as hard as seeing a lit 
    satellite cross the full moon.
    - George Roberts
    -----Original Message----- 
    From: Giuseppe N. Gerbore
    Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:07 AM
    Subject: LEO crossing new Moon
    Is it possible for a lit satellite to be spotted crossing a completely dark 
    At first thought no, but what about during an eclipse, with observer located 
    on the border of visibility area?
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