Observing the Iridium Flares from the ISS - 3D Simulations and Predictions

From: satrack\@libero\.it
Date: Thu Jan 13 2011 - 17:06:03 UTC

  • Next message: Robert Fenske Jr: "Re: Observing the Iridium Flares from the ISS - 3D Simulations and Predictions"

    Looking at the nice photographs recently taken from the ISS of Earth and sky,
    I started wondering if also the Iridium Flares could be potentially 
    photographed from the International Space Station.
    By adjusting my program I performed some 3D simulations and generated several
    predictions. I have uploaded the results of my analysis along with a few 
    pictures and a 3D stereo video of simulated Iridium flares on the following 
    It would be nice to see also a real photograph!
    Best Regards,
    Seesat-l mailing list

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