Report on the Western Satellite Research Network (WSRN) July 1970


Greg Roberts has made available a report done by Rockwell in 1970 on the Western Satellite Research Network (WSRN). He briefly explains the report on SeeSat-L .

Greg was active in the WSRN at the time in South Africa at Durban, Capetown and Johannesburg. He observed the early Apollo missions on trans-lunar trajectory using a 20 inch reflector and a 27.25 inch refractor at a range of about 200,000 miles or so. My thanks to Greg for spending the time, money and effort to provide the files.


The partial report is scanned in bitmap (bmp) format and is provided in four zipped parts of approximately 600kb each. This server is in the US. Greg provides a description of the report.

Links: to the VSO Home Page, observing guide, satellite predictions.
