The aim of these measurements is to measure the flash period of the satellite.
You follow the object for some time in order to familiarize yourself with the flash pattern. Sometimes this pattern and the flash period itself change during the pass, due to changing geometrical conditions with respect to the sun and the observer. This is called the synodic effect. Even experienced observers occasionally get confused when this happens.
Now that you're familiar with the pattern, start the stopwatch at the time of a flash (or at a minimum if it is more pronounced), and start counting with 'zero'. Stop the stopwatch at the last flash you want to observe, e.g. at count 'twenty' (twenty-one flashes = twenty periods). If you start the count at 'one', you're counting flashes not periods! Write down the total time on the stopwatch. Dividing the total time by the number of periods gives you the flash period.
You should always try to count as many periods as possible during one pass. For flash periods smaller than 5 seconds, you should try to count fifty to one hundred periods for one measurement. This improves the accuracy of the flash period substantially. If your stopwatch allows a split timing, make a split timing somewhere in the middle of the pass. This measurement can act as a check for the final measurement or as backup in case the final measurement fails. The latter can happen when the sattelite disappears in the Earth's shadow or behind an obstacle, or when the flash pattern changes drastically. If you have a stopwatch that allows for multiple timings (fifty to one hundred is typical), you could time each flash you see and then later analyze the data to derive an average period. This can also be done by recording your voice and a time signal (from a shortwave radio tuned to a time signal station) with a tape recorder. For complex variations the latter method is probably the best.
Next you should try to estimate how accurate the total time measured was. If the flash period is short, or the flashes are distinct, the timing accuracy may approach the precision of your stopwatch. If it is long, with indistinct flashes, the accuracy may not be better than several seconds. The estimated accuracy depends on the flash pattern, your reaction time, visibility of the flashes, etc... If you have noticed you were a little late in reacting to a flash, you should adjust your estimated accuracy appropriately. The minimum reaction time of a human is 0.1 to 0.2 s. Accuracies below 0.1 s are not acceptable unless you are superhuman.
It is quite possible that the synodical effect causes the difference between the rotation and flash period to be larger than the observing accuracy. It is however still useful to estimate the accuracy of the total duration since it is not possible to predict how large the synodic effect will be during any given pass. So, it may still be that your measuring accuracy is larger than the loss of precision due to the synodic effect.
E.g. suppose you've estimated the measuring accuracy to be 0.2 s and that the maximum possible synodic effect is 0.5 s. If the synodic effect was only 0.1 s for the geometry at hand, it is useful to know that period is still not more accurate than 0.2 s, due to the observering accuracy.
More experienced observers also estimate the brightness of the flashes and determine the flash pattern.
The observation is noted and documented on a special form or entered
directly into the computer-database of flash period observations.
We use a standard format, the PPAS format. The PPAS
is our computerized database of Photometric Periods of Artificial Satellites, maintained by Mike McCants.
In this format each line is divided in columns and every column always
contains the same data. Normally each line contains 80 columns (or characters)
The format of the observation is (in column numbers):
This field is left blank if no
period has been measured or if (more likely) the object did
not show any variation in brightness. In this last case, the
object is 'STEADY'.
To describe the peculiarities of the flash-pattern (without drawing figures),
the symbols in Table 1 are put into groups, depending on the pattern observed.
Table 1 : Symbols for flash pattern description
Some examples of flash patterns can be found in Table 2.
Table 2: Examples of flash pattern description
The format for describing the satellite's magnitude is:
A few examples of PPAS entries may clarify the above.
David W. Bishop observed 90- 23 B on March 9, 1991 at 23h34m31.2s UT with
a flash period of 6.08 s. He counted 20 periods during a time interval of
121.5 s. His estimated accuracy was 0.5 s. Dividing 0.5 by 20 we get 0.025 s.
This means the flash period can only be accurate up to 0.02 s, hence two
digits after the comma.
The magnitude varied between 5 and 8, and the flash pattern changed during
the pass. At first it was two primary flashes (F) on which was measured (').
This gradually ('->') changed into a pattern
with one primary maximum (F) and
two secondary maxima (f). So, the previously primary maxima were gradually
dominated by a new primary maximum. David decided to stick with the
maxima originally chosen, a wise choice.
Mike McCants observed the same object (90- 23 B) on November 4, 1993
at 1h31m UTC with a flash period of 1.343 s. He counted 110 periods
during a time interval of 147.8 s. His estimated accuracy was 0.1 s
(the best possible, the flashes were very sharp). Dividing 0.1 by
110 we get 0.001 s. This means the flash period can be accurate up to
one thousandth of a second!
The magnitude of the satellite was +5 at maximum. It was invisible during
the minima. The flash pattern was relatively simple with two primary
flashes (F) on which Mike measured ('). There were some secondary maxima
every now and then.
Table 3 : Abbreviations in the PPAS remarks column
Next we can consider the relationship between the rotation and flash period.
PPAS Format
mag +M.M ->m.m
where M.M is the maximum magnitude and m.m is the minimum magnitude.
E.g. mag +4->8.5
The '+' is omitted for the minimum magnitude.
When the minimum is invisible you should indicate this with 'inv'.
E.g. mag +5.5->inv
Some observers only mention the maximum magnitude, e.g. 'mag +5'.
90- 23 B 91-03-09 23:34:31.2 DWB 121.5 0.5 20 6.08 F'F'->f'Ff', mag +5->8
90- 23 B 93-11-04 01:31 MM 147.8 0.1 110 1.343 F'F', ssm, mag +5->inv