SeeSat-L Oct-01
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Starting: Mon Oct 01 2001 - 06:56:38 EDT
Ending: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 23:21:29 EST
- #13985 Delta RB decayed
- #22250 AUX MOT decayed
- #26771 Delta 2 RB decayed
- #26954 Delta 2 RB decayed
- 2001-045C 'Platform' decayed
- 26692 perigee passes
- A dozen geosats
- Another VERY FAST 26692 pass
- Archive of UseSat-L messages
- ASC 1
- Atlas 2AS/NRO Launch NOTAM
- AW: Cloudflare
- Cernan accident
- chronology of designation of in OIG
- Cloudflare
- Correction - My last message
- Decay Alert AUX MOT (#22250)
- Decay Alert Delta 2 RB
- decay altitude
- Decay Forecast Delta 2 RB
- Decay Forecast Delta RB 1
- Decay Forecast HAPS
- Decay forecast October 20
- Decay over Southern France ??
- Decay Report October 12-13
- Decay Update Delta 2 RB
- Distant flashers
- ETS-6 flash info
- ETS-6 Observation
- ETS-6 spin rate
- flasher
- GEO orbit
- geo sat flare
- Gorizont 13
- Gorizont 14 and probably GSTAR 3
- Gorizont 23
- HAPS (#25738 ) decayed
- Has #10704 (78026C) two identities ?
- Has 10704 (78026C) two identities?
- Identification Requested
- Inidentfied
- Insat 2D seen again
- IR 63 -8 flash
- Ir24 (tum) flashes
- Iridium 22 Plus 2 Unknowns
- Iridium Double Flare explained
- Iridium solar panel flares
- ISS (plus another object) ; Iridium Double Flare
- ISS + SOYUZ-TM33 tonight
- ISS and Companions
- ISS blanket
- ISS crew question
- ISS flare over UK 18102001
- ISS in a telescope
- ISS-UK 12th oct
- Latest ElSet Soyuz TM-33
- Latest Soyuz seen
- Low frequency traffic
- LX200 for sale
- Molniya 1-59 Decayed ?
- More GEO questions
- More GEO questions II
- New ISS pictures
- new keyhole
- new keyhole/post by k. fetter
- New Rocket Base to Launch Satellites and Rockets in Early November.
- New tool may have a niche
- Newbie GEO question
- Newbie GEO question (GRRR: could we stay metric ?)
- NOAA 7 and Meteor 1-13 rocket
- OAM Decayed
- Object in the Sky
- Object moving in front of ISS
- Objects close to ISS
- Objects close to Mir
- Obs Oct 12
- Obs Oct 13
- Obs Oct 14
- Obs Oct 28
- Obs Oct 30
- Obs Oct 5th
- Obs oct 6; 94-24B accellerates!
- Observation reporting on Heavens-Above
- Observed #26692
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the two weeks ending October 13
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending October 20
- OIG Catalog Action Report for the week ending October 27
- OIG/GSFC monthly SSR changes for AUG 31 & SEPT 30, 2001
- Orbit life - was (ISS blanket)
- Pass prediction for SOYUZ-TM33
- Pass prediction for SOYUZ-TM33)
- Please change address to
- ppas 89079b
- PPAS periods ?
- Proton 3. Stage decayed
- PSLV and Proba
- PSLV launch successful.
- Russia plans more satellites to spy on Afghanistan
- satellite related question
- SatTrack on RedHat Linux.
- SeeSat FAQ
- Shuttle/ISS photo on APOD
- Simultaneous Iridium antenna and solar panel flare
- SkyMap propagation using old elements
- Software Predict and SatTrack showing differences.
- solar panels
- Soyuz launch
- SOYUZ RB decayed
- Soyuz TM-33
- Soyuz TM-33 elset
- Soyuz TM-33 heard, early on Agapov's elset
- SOYUZ-TM33 proposed undocking
- Starshine 3 Flashes
- Starshine 3 obs
- Starshine 3 observation
- Starshine 3 observed
- StarShine 3 visual over Argentina
- Starshine elements on OIG
- Strange message
- Sunshine 3 magnitude
- Superbird A
- Superbird A - 21 October UTC
- Superbird A and Insat 2D
- Superbird A for the Americas?
- Superbird A for Thursday night, Nov. 1st
- Superbird A Obs, 2 Sets
- Superbird A: one-power flashes
- tes,proba & bird oig ids
- The #13985 decay
- The #26771 Delta 2 RB decay
- The #26956 SOYUZ RB decay
- The 2001-045C decay
- This Soyuz elset matches radio observations
- Those iridium flares!
- TiPS observed
- TiPS revisited
- Titan IV launch
- Titan IV launch observed
- TLE from OIG for Soyuz
- TM-33
- Trakstar Config file
- Tumbling Iridiums
- Unid Satellite seen at Midnight through telescope
- Unidentified
- unknown flash
- Updated 01040C elements
Last message date: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 23:21:29 EST
Archived on: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 23:22:07 EST
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: Wed Oct 31 2001 - 23:22:07 EST