Re: Identification Requested

From: Bjoern Gimle (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2001 - 03:57:02 EDT

  • Next message: G6GAK - Mike Tyrrell: "New ISS pictures"

    Again, the curse of "common names" (not vulgar).
    ETS-6 is "only" known as Kiku-6 at HA, but as usual you find it easily by
    the USSPACECOM no (23230) or by International ID (which at HA must be
    written 94056, followed by an object selection)
    BTW HA lists intrinsic magnitude as +5 at 1000 km 50%, which should be about
    +9.5 at perigee, not 14.2 as shown ?
    > Additionally, why is it the ETS-6 is not in the Heavens-Above database
    > (yet ETS-7 is, BTW) ?
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