Re: Possible re-entry

From: Vitek, Antonin (
Date: Sun Dec 02 2001 - 20:19:03 EST

  • Next message: Paul J Henney: "Re: The decay of the GLONASS launch objects"

    Tony Beresford wrote:
    > I think it must have been another piece of the launch, as the payload
    > has catalog number 26987 , so there are 2 numbers potentially allocated.
    The object B and C - numbers 26988 and 26989 - are reserved for two
    other satellites. There are two navigational satellites of type Uragan
    and one Uragan-M as payload launched with this Proton-M/DM-2 launch. The
    GLONASS satellites alias Uragans are usually launched in triplets (with
    only few - I am not sure - probably three or four exceptions). On final
    orbit should be another object, namely DM block ie. 4th stage of
    Mgr. Antonin Vitek, CSc.
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