Hi all I have attached an e-mail sent to my local Astronomy group relating to a possible fireball seen from my location at 22:30 UTC on the 1 Dec 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I have just got home (22:30 UTapprox. )after collecting my daughter from work. As I got out of the car I happened to glance up at the Moon & Jupiter and my eye was caught by an object to the south travelling towards the east with a flaming tail similar to a Nov 5th rocket.(Elevation approx. 25 deg.) The object brightened and the tail got longer then very slowly faded as it travelled eastward. The length of time was 2-3 minutes to cross the sky, enough time to allow my wife, daughter and friend to come out to have a look. I have checked all my records for any man made rocket bodies ,debris or satellites that will be decaying soon and drawn a blank . Can anybody throw any light on this sighting ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Could this have been 26990 01 53D , the sl-12 rocket from the glosnass launch Clear Skies Mike Bevan Poole, UK Lat. 50.7556N, Lon. 1.9803W, H 20m ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to SeeSat-L-request@lists.satellite.eu.org http://www.satellite.eu.org/seesat/seesatindex.html
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