At 16:32 2/12/01, Tony Beresford wrote: >At 16:18 2/12/01, Ed Cannon wrote: >>Report on Meteorobs of a possible re-entry seen from El Paso, >>Texas: >> >> >> >>4:16 Dec 2 UTC, traveled from SSE to NNE, visible almost 1.5 >>minutes! However as Ed pointed out 26990 01 53D , an sl-12 rocket from the glosnass launch fits quite nicely. US SPACECOM had it decaying at 0441 UT at 50N, 20E, on the descending section of an orbit. Looks like it was early, and on the ascending portion of same orbit. Last elset SL-12 R/B 1 26990U 01053D 01335.99111456 .00678177 77909-5 10000-4 0 15 2 26990 64.8508 16.1658 0018997 343.0783 16.9770 16.47070965 14 Tony Beresford ----------------------------------------------------------------- Unsubscribe from SeeSat-L by sending a message with 'unsubscribe' in the SUBJECT to
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