Web-Based Satellite Predictions

From this page you will find links to predictions for a number of visually observable satellites including the International Space Station (ISS) and during a mission, predictions for the US Space Shuttle.

For details as to what phenomena you might see, follow these links to the shuttle and the ISS.

Heavens-Above at Munich, Germany provides graphical predictions for the brighter satellites and also Irdium Flare predictions. The site provides tools to obtain your geographical coordinates. If you're new to satellite observing, you might want to look at the beginner's guide for basic terminolgy.

Predictions for the International Space Station (ISS) for various locations are furnished by NASA.

Then again, you could cook up your own predictions. You'll find details on some software packages, pointers to element sets and other resources.

Links: to the VSO Home Page, and the Tracking Programs and TLE Resources page.

Contact: webmaster@satobs.org